What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question:  2.50

Questions Incorrect:  5

Total Points Incorrect: 12.5

Total Score: 87.50



My Statements and the responses from subject #98.

When I look at your photos, I see:

1.   …a man who is easy going. CORRECT

2.   You are spontaneous. INCORRECT - I LIKE TO PLAN EVERYTHING

3.   You enjoy being the center of attention. CORRECT

4.   You live in the “here and now”. CORRECT

5.   You love to have fun.  All work and no play and you’d be very, very  unhappy! CORRECT

6.   Whenever you can, you enjoy letting your hair-down so-to-speak!  Where’s the party?  CORRECT, I WORK TOO MUCH!

7.   You enjoy performing for people –i.e. doing things that make people laugh, that make people happy. CORRECT

8.   You love engaging other people. CORRECT

9.   You have a good sense of humor. CORRECT

10.  You are a great host when you entertain. CORRECT.  I LOVE TO HOST.

11.  You are very accepting of people as they are. CORRECT

12.  You are not judgmental. CORRECT

13.  Routine to you equals boring. INCORRECT I ENJOY ROUTINE

14.  You are a hands-on learner. CORRECT

15.  You are a great team player. CORRECT

16.  You are competitive when challenged, but not a sore loser by any means. CORRECT-I COMPETED IN SPORTS THROUGH COLLEGE AND SEMIPRO AS WELL

17.  You have great people skills. CORRECT

18.  You need a job where you have contact with people.  This is a must! CORRECT

19.  You are a kid at heart. CORRECT

20.  You don’t mind playing with children and getting down on their level.  You enjoy it! CORRECT

21.  Your friends would tell me you are always fun to be around. You’re always up for anything. CORRECT-WHEN I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT WORK!

22.  You enjoy having many friends. CORRECT

23.  People who know you would likely tell me that you are generous. CORRECT

24.  You have a sensitive side, in that you pick up on the emotions of those around you quickly. CORRECT

25.  You don’t stress too much.  Things are what they are.  INCORRECT – I STRESS WAY TOO MUCH

26.  You are an extrovert (spending time with people gives you energy). CORRECT

27.  You are good at telling jokes, stories, etc to people.  They find you engaging. CORRECT

28.  You have no problem talking to strangers.  You can strike up a conversation with anyone.  CORRECT

29.  Your ideal job would involve people, be lively and action-oriented.  CORRECT

30.  You believe people are good overall. CORRECT

31.  And hence you trust people easily, as a general rule. CORRECT-TO A FAULT IN THE PAST. I TRY TO BE MORE GUARDED NOW

32.  You are forgiving when people apologize. CORRECT

33.  If you feel your freedom is being jeopardized, you are one to get defiant and speak up. CORRECT

34.  You could improve your time management skills.  It’s likely an area you need to work on. INCORRECT-I HAVE TO BE VERY GOOD WITH MY TIME

35.  You have a natural knack for knowing how to get people engaged in what interests you. CORRECT

36.  You are a sensual person. CORRECT

37.  You are a generous person. CORRECT

38.  You are down-to-earth and practical. CORRECT

39.  You do not take criticism well.  It’s hard for you to palette, even when it is well intended. CORRECT-AS I SAID BEFORE I PLAYED SPORTS BUT WAS ALSO ACTIVE DUTY AIR FORCE AND AM CURRENTLY IN THE AIR GUARD STILL

40.  You have a great dislike for conflict and discord, and will do all you can to avoid these situations whenever possible. INCORRECT- I ACTUALLY LOVE CONFLICT

Overall Response: (none)

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