What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question:  2.50

Questions Incorrect:  0

Total Points Incorrect: 0

Total Score: 100.00



My Statements and the responses from subject #93.

When I look at your photos, I see:

1.       …a woman who is outgoing and confident. Correct. I am definitely a people person.

2.       You know who you are. Correct. I have especially figured this out since I have entered college.

3.       You are an optimist. Correct. I wasn't always, but I am now.

4.       You’re career likely involves a fair amount of interaction with other people. Correct. Both jobs I have right now definitely involve interaction with others, and I want to be a nurse which will involve even more interaction.

5.       You are not one who would like or enjoy a desk job. Correct. I want to be up and moving.

6.       It is highly likely that you have considered or have worked in the modeling, acting or teaching profession (teaching children). Correct. I used to tutor intermediate school students when I was in high school and I am also on a billboard for MCC.

7.       You are a notably compassionate person who feels the pain of others and has a hard time turning her back of a difficult situation. Correct. This could not be more true.

8.       You feel for those less fortunate than yourself and likely donate time or money to charities when you can. Correct.

9.       You are conscientious. Correct.

10.     You are a people person. Correct. I love being around people all the time.

11.     You likely enjoy entertaining. Correct.

12.     You are open-minded to new experiences.  You give most new things a try at least once. Correct.

13.     You don’t mind being the center of attention. Correct. I don't want the spotlight on me for a very long time, but every now and then it's okay.

14.     You are a detail-oriented person. Correct. Maybe even a little too detailed.

15.     You have good self-control and are self-directed. Correct. I can really motivate myself and I have really strong goals that I fully intend on reaching.

16.     People who know you would tell me that you are down-to-earth and approachable. Correct. Probably as down-to-earth as you can get.

17.     When you set your mind to something, you will follow it through to completion. Correct.

18.     It is important to you to be known as trust worthy.  Correct. This is one of the most important things to me.

19.     You are easy-going and accommodating. Correct. I like helping people and working things out.

20.     You don’t have to have things your way. Correct. Although I like for them to go my way sometimes, I'm okay with them not being that way all of the time.

21.     You value etiquette and manners.  You see them as important. Correct! 

22.     You treat all people with courtesy--regardless of their status. Correct.

23.     You are a natural-born egalitarian. Correct. All people should be treated the same..with respect.

24.     You are not one to hold a grudge. Correct. I have never been able to.

25.     You are unique in that you believe first impressions are important, but you don’t believe you should judge a book by its cover (which is an unusual combo!). Correct. It's always better to get to know someone for who they really are instead of just on their looks.

26.     Family is very important to you.  Your friends and family would tell me they rank TOPS, and are your number one priority! Correct. THEY are #1!

27.     To be more specific, you put yourself second to your family. Correct.

28.     Your demeanor is calming and that attracts people to you. Correct. I'm not a very high strung person whatsoever.

29.     “Justice” is a word that you would likely rank as important. Correct.

30.     You are intuitive. Correct.

31.     You have a strong natural “maternal” instinct. Correct. In fact when I was in high school all of my guyfriends called me mom. I just like taking care of people.

32.     You are emotionally even-keeled. Correct.

33.     You are a logical decision maker rather than an emotional one – most of the time. Correct.

34.     “Passionate” would be a good word to describe you. You are passionate about many things in life. Correct. I am passionate about many things!

35.     You have a personal desire to affect change in your life – to impact people’s lives in a positive way. Correct.

36.     You are one to say hi and smile to most people you meet on the street. Correct. I always do this. It's a habit.

37.     You have a definite sense of “right” and “wrong”.  You have an intuitive moral code. Correct. My mother instilled this quality into me.

38.     You likely have a soft-spot for pets. Correct.

39.     You are one who is drawn to traditions, and will keep the traditions you learned growing up with your family as well as embrace new ones.  Traditions are important to you. Correct. It's what keeps a family together.

40.     You do not like to yell or be yelled at.  You believe there are better ways to handle problems. Yelling is very distasteful. Correct. I absolutely hate arguing!

Overall Response: This literally sounded like you knew me! All of the results were correct. Thank you so much!!

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