What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question:  2.50

Questions Incorrect:  3

Total Points Incorrect: 7.5

Total Score: 92.50



My Statements and the responses from subject #89.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who:

1.     ...who is confident overall in your own skin. I tend to second guess myself at times, but overall, yes, I am confident in my own skin.

2.     You have a good sense of self for your age. I have been told that I am a bit more mature than others my own age.

3.     You have definite goals for your future. Yes, I have the next few years planned out already. 

4.     You don't break the mold very often.  You prefer true and tried methods and approaches. You are not one to create new paths. True, I think that if it worked for others then it will work for me.

5.     When you attend social functions, you watch and observe before stepping up and joining in. Yes, I like to know what I'm getting into.

6.     You assess those around you first to see where you fit in. Yes, I do assess others.

7.     Then when you feel comfortable, you open up and socialize and can be quite talkative and engaging.

I am very quiet until I get to know someone.

8.     You like traditions.  You will likely carry on your family’s tradition with your family. I never thought of it but yeah I guess I do plan on keeping the traditions my family has.

9.     The word “traditional” can be used to describe you. Yea I am traditional 

10.  You prefer order over randomness. Yes, very true. I don't like too much clutter.

11.  You are a thinker.  You think through things before you act. Yes. I like to really break things down before I make decisions.

12.  You are not one to make a spontaneous decision about anything important in your life.  You have to weigh all the pros and cons first. Very True.

13.  You are on time and prompt for commitments.  It would bother you if people said you were not dependable. Yes. I am usually on time or a bit early.

14.  For a job, you prefer contact with people.  A job that isolates you doesn't interest you.

Correct. I don't want to be isolated from others.

15.  You have a strong maternal instinct and desire to be a mom. I am a mom. And I have always wanted to be a mom.

16.  You have a calm demeanor. No, I'm not exactly calm. 

17.  You really enjoy children and may have sought out jobs that involve children. I love babies! Yes I have tried to get jobs that keep me close to kids.

18.  Your family is very important to you.  You really value you them.  You are likely to be exceptionally close to your mother and sisters, if you have any. True, I am close to my mom.

 19.  You are not the type of person to jump out of a perfectly good airplane and skydive. Definitely. I do not intend on going skydiving anytime soon. 

20.  You are not a fearless person. You are aware of your fears. Yes. I know my fears but I don't make it a big deal.

21.  In dating, if you could say one word that is important to you, it would be respect. Yes, but I would also say Honesty.

22.  When people frustrate you, you are one to go into another room and regroup.  You don’t vent on people you are mad at, you retreat instead, re-gather and recoup before handling the situation. Yes. I don't like confrontation.

23.  You are not a person who yells and screams at others. Correct. I don't raise my voice much.

24.  While you are open-minded, you are somewhat middle ground in this respect.  You don’t feel you “have to” try everything.  If something doesn’t interest you, that’s good enough. Right, I'm not gonna follow what everyone else is doing if it isn't me.

25.  You are very reliable.  When you agree to do something, it will be done on time, and as promised. True. If I have a deadline then my stuff will get done.

26.  People who know you would say you are emotionally very stable.  You don’t express a lot of ups and downs.  You are not a roller coaster of emotions.  You are pretty even keeled. Yes, I have my pet peeves but overall I'm pretty even.

27.  You find joy in doing things that are altruistic.  You really enjoy helping others, more so than the average person.  No, I don't really help others often so I don't know exactly how true this one is.

28.  You don’t care about being the center of attention, but you do want to be recognized for your accomplishments.  You want to be appreciated. Yes, If I go out of my way to do something then I would like to be appreciated for it.

29.  You have a hard time telling someone the truth when you know it will hurt them.  You struggle with it and will try to soften it as best you can. Yes. I don't like to hurt people.

30.  People who know you would say you have a gentle nature about you. Yes. I try to be kind.

31.  You are very adaptable.  You could live in the city or in the country.  It’s not where you live, but who you live with that would matter to you the most. I'd rather live in the city but it doesn't matter much if I'm happy with who I live with.

32.  It is in your nature to assume responsibility. True. I usually assume the responsibility.

33.  You trust reasoning over emotions. Yes. I am a very logical person.

34.  You feel at ease with a group of people, or alone. True I'm ok with friends or alone at home.

35.  You are neat and orderly.  You are not sloppy with your belongings.  You take pride in the things you own. I try to be neat, but I'm usually kinda sloppy. I do take pride in my things though.

36.  Overall, you are an optimist. Yes I Try to see the good in things 

37.  You shy away from confrontations. Yes. I hate being in confrontations.

38.  You forgive easily when someone apologizes. Sometimes though, if you really feel wronged, you will hold a secret reservation inside, but you'd never tell that to the person. Instead, you will just keep a little distance. I do forgive easily. I tend to hold grudges if I was really hurt.

39. You likely have a soft-spot for animals. That depends on the animal. But yea overall this is true.

40. You like nature and the outdoors! I like camping and outdoor things but I do like being inside too.

Overall Response: (none given)