What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question:  2.5

Questions Incorrect: 4

Total Points Incorrect: 10

Total Score: 90.00




My Statements and the responses from subject #63.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who:

1.      …is somewhat reserved.
correct. I do like to keep to myself. I am nice but quiet.

2.     You access a situation first before jumping in and participating.
correct. Totally correct. I am very causious person. I think things through before making a concrete decision.

3.     You are an egalitarian at heart.
correct. I relly didn't fully understand "egalitarian." but i looked for it on the NET, and does it mean "belief of everyone equal?" I do believe this. Everyone is equal despite race, color, gender, etc.

4.     You are down-to-earth and approachable.
correct. I think life is too beautiful to be little Ms. high society lol.

5.     Friends and colleagues would describe you as “supportive”.
correct. I always want and try to be there for my friends and family. A shoulder to lean on.

6.     You take life at face value.  Things are what they are.
incorrect. I maintain the belief that life is there to dream. And things always have a second image.

7.     You are easy-going, flexible and adaptable.
correct. I am very easy-going. Love to be around people and want them to be comfortable around me too.

8.     You enjoy spontaneity.
incorrect. I enjoy being predictable; knowing and being aware of what is  to come, in order to be prepared.

9.     You are a detail-oriented person.
correct. If things are not perfect I tend to become frustrated.

10.  You have a gentle and calm nature about you.
correct. This why usually babies perfer me over my twin sister, even her baby.

11.  You are an optimist.
correct. I always think things will have a positive outcome. Even when they don't i believe something better will come along.

12.  You consider yourself traditional in many ways.
correct. Everything I do is traditional. I don't like modern too much.

13.  You are outwardly emotionally stable.  You don’t suffer from a lot of highs and lows.
correct. I spend most of the time in one state of mind and this it to be happy and enjoy life to the fullest.

14.  You are not wasteful or frivolous.
Incorrect. Things have one use and if not used for an amount of time i think it is best to get rid of it. Not to take up space or time.

15.  You like traditions, and will likely carry your family’s traditions forward.
correct. A family's traditions are the best and need to be carried on from generation to generation, in order to keep the memory and story alive.

16.  You are notably courteous with people.
correct. Everyone deserves respect on the first note. I am a very poliet person.

17.  You are a hard-worker. When you commit to do something, you do it and do it well.
correct. What i say i am going to do, i do it. Not only do i do it right but outstanding. Or so they have told me.

18.  When you get upset or mad, you likely withdraw and think before reacting.
correct. For the most part i do reflect before acting, unless i am with my boyfriend. He is the only one who i sometimes lose it with, not often but sometimes.

19.  You believe we have rules for a reason and you aren’t one to disregard them if it suits you.
correct. Rules are for us to have guidlines and to be safe.

20.  You are a planner and an organizer.
correct. I always plan everything. Everyday has an event.

21.  You have a place for most of your belongings.
correct. My room is very organized. When i don't have time to put things back in order is does bother me somewhat.

22.  You are more serious in nature than comedic.
correct. I don't like to be made fun of. I like to be serious and am not very playful. unless very comfortable with a person.

23.  You are a good listener. It’s notable about you.  You really hear what others are saying.
correct. What people have to say matters to me and i want to help them.

24.  “Gentle” would be a good word to describe you.
correct. I am a very tender perspon with a kind heart, and naive many of times.

25.  You are one to keep your inner most thoughts and feelings to yourself.
correct. Totally. I don't like people to know how i truly feel, sometimes they use it against you.

26.  You have a love of aesthetic beauty.
correct. totally. I enjoy preparing my wardrobe. and i do take time to look my best. To be specific about two hours. lol.

27.   You do not like others to invade your private space.
correct. My space is my santuary.

28.  You greatly dislike conflict or confrontation.
correct. I am rather harmony. Try to avoid conflicts.

29.  “Modest” is a good word to describe you.
correct. I am modest for the most part because i do not want to seem "stuck up" or make someone feel bad.

30.  You are a patient person.
correct. I have a love for people and i realizenot everyone can express themselves in the same way.

31.  You are not one to force your views or opinions on others.
correct. There is a mexican saying, "cada cabeza es un mundo" basically that every braing/head is a world of its own. Therefore we believe what we want to.

32.  You are notably open-minded to new experiences.
incorrect. Not really open. It takes a long time and much effort for someone to get me to do something out of the ordinary.

33.  You have a soft-spot for animals.
correct. I have always loved animals. And resue the ones i can.

34.  You enjoy fashion and embracing your feminine side.
correct. totally. It is one of my priorities in life.

35.  You have an appreciation for the arts.
correct. Art is very important too. Says a lot about a person.

36.  You do not wear your emotions on your sleeve.
correct. my feelings are my business and i don't like to upset others.

37.  You approach problems in a pragmatic, realistic and down-to-earth way.
correct. A problem has a solution. We just need to ackowledge it.

38.  Disliking conflict and discord, you are one to work seek compromise and consensus.
correct. any relationship takes at least two people. There is to be respectful and take others into consideration.

39.   “Tolerant” is a good word to describe you.
correct. I understand that people are different with different attitudes and personaities.

40.  You are most likely to express your genuine concern for others through your actions rather than your words.
correct. Actions say much more than words and does a lot more, too.

Overall Response: I really did enjoyed the process. It was great! I did tell some of my friends about it, and they said they were going to try it out. Thanks for your feedback. The experience was wonderful. I am glad I was able to take part in this.