What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  41

Points per Question:  2.44

Questions Incorrect: 9.5

Total Points Incorrect: 23.18

Total Score: 76.82




My Statements and the responses from subject #61.

When I look at your photos, I see a man who:

1.     …is notably down to earth. correct.

2.    You are an honest person, too.  You aren’t one for being politically correct. correct.

3.    You pick up on other people’s emotions quite easily. correct. but I think overall it depends on the situation. 

4.    With that, you are notably empathetic to other people. correct. being married has taught me this as well.

5.    You are courteous to other people as well.  It’s a notable trait about you. correct. everyone deserves a little respect.

6.    You believe in treating people with respect at all times. correct. even when you don't want to.

7.    When you see someone who needs help, you step up the job and offer your assistance many times before it is even asked for. incorrect. i generally like to be asked to assure they want my help.

8.    You are confident with who you are. correct.

9.    You aren’t an extrovert, but you aren’t an introvert either.  You are middle of the road with a slight lean towards extroversion. incorrect. i don't think there is anything about my personality that shows an introvert side.

10.  You are a realist with optimistic tendencies. correct. very optimistic, often getting on my wife's nerves with happiness.

11.  You trust people quite easily and if things don’t work out, you don’t sweat over it. correct. very correct. I often trust too much. 

12.  You are notably forgiving of people. correct. Was raised that way.

13.  You don’t hold grudges. correct.

14.  You are conscientious.  When you promise someone that you will do something, you will do it! incorrect. I usually forget.

15.  You are not confrontational by nature.  You believe there are better ways to solve problems. incorrect. I like to face things with force to get it out of the way

16.  You dislike arguments and try to avoid them at all costs. incorrect. I like debating.

17.  You are soft-hearted and prone to making decisions based on your heart and emotions more than you should. Half correct. half incorrect. My decisions are usually based more off of intellect than emotions.

18.  When a woman took you home to meet her parents, I bet you always got rave reviews—the parents always liked you! correct.

19.  You do not take the world at face value.  You know life is not just black and white, but has many shades of gray. correct. things are not always what they seem.

20.  You tend to be more serious in nature rather than comedic. incorrect. I am the youngest of a large family and very comedic in all situations.

21.  You like to do things logically and with a plan rather than ebb and flow. incorrect. I like to thing I am being logical, but that is not always the case.

22.  You are analytical. correct. I like to debate.

23.  You have an active mind. correct. very correct.

24.  You are a great listener.  It’s a strong suit of yours. incorrect. unfortunately I have to work very hard at being a good listener. I hear this from my wife a lot. 

25.  You are very loyal to your friends and family, and they know it. correct.

26.  When you get upset or frustrated, you are the type of person who withdraws and gets quiet—keeping your emotions bottled up inside. incorrect. again, I like to debate and usually will tell you exactly how I feel

27.  You are quite perceptive of what goes on around you--more so than most people. correct.

28.  You are open-minded and willing to try new things, but you do have your limits, know them and aren’t shy about saying ‘no thanks’. correct. very correct. I am very outspoken but very outgoing as well.

29.  You enjoy team-related activities and being part of a “team”. correct. I come from a large family and enjoy being with others.

30.  When someone asks you for help, you have a difficult time saying no – even when it is inconvenient for you. Partially correct. I dont mind helping people out as long as they want my help.

31.  You value family a lot, and are likely close to yours. correct. 100%

32.  You are a goal-oriented person.  You strive to set and meet your goals. correct. I have goals in every aspect of my life. work, home, etc

33.  You are not a fearful person, or a person who is held back by fear. correct.

34.  I see a dare-devil in you that comes out infrequently, but he comes out. correct.

35.  You do not seek to be the center of attention.  It’s not important to you. correct. It is not important and I do not seek it, however I usually am. So my wife says.

36.  You are one to rely on facts rather than hunches. correct. very much so

37.  You are not judgmental of others, and dislike those who are. correct. I try not to be but I don't necessarily dislike people who are judgmental.

38.  You are a sensitive person. correct. I try to be, but mainly with my family only.

39.  You are a patient person. correct. my line of work requires it.

40.  You value realism and common sense over imagination and innovation. correct. But I think in life you need a fine mix of both.

41.  You are very trustworthy.  When you agree to keep a secret, you absolutely do. correct.

Overall Response:  Overall this was a neat experience. Had no idea you could tell that much from a couple of pictures. Overall, I would say it was successful. Like I have learned in this class I am taking there is a lot that is missed when you have no facial expressions or body language to interpret so I may be reading the questions differently than how they were intended, but overall this was a successful experience.