What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  41

Points per Question: 2.44

Questions Incorrect: 2

Total Points Incorrect:  4.88

Total Score Accurate: 95.12


My Statements, and the responses from Subject #5.

When I look at your photos...

1.    I see a laid back person who is casual. 
 Response:  CORRECT - So casual, I live in jeans and sneakers.

2.   Prim and proper is for the Queen, not for you, thank you very much.   Response:  CORRECT

3.   I see someone who is very accepting of people. More so than the average person. 
Response:  CORRECT

4.   You are not judgmental. 
Response:  CORRECT  (I can be on occasion, but for the most part this is true.)

5.   You are not a rigid person, or a person who thrives on structure.   Response:  CORRECT

6.   You like to do things at your speed and on your time.You don't like strict deadlines. 
 Response:  CORRECT

7.   You can be a procrastinator, and ignore things you don't want to do until they become overwhelming to you.  You shouldn't do that, and you know it :) 
Response:  CORRECT  This is more true than I can ever tell you.  I've struggled with this for as long as I can remember.

8.   Being neat and orderly isn't a top priority to you. Life's too short!
Response:  CORRECT  Very true!  I have been improving though. 

9.   You aren't fussy, or picky, but easy to please overall. 
 Response:  CORRECT

10.  You are not a glamour girl.  You like to look nice and sexy, but you aren't high maintenance.  Weekly salon visits aren't you. 
 Response:  CORRECT  - Oh so very true, my teeth grit at the thought of having a look to upkeep.

11.  You find women who are high fashion either somewhat intimidating or irritating.  It's just not your style. It's too fake for you. 
 Response:  CORRECT

12.  You like the country a lot, and prefer it over the city. 
 Response:  CORRECT

13.  You are a big picture person.  The details will fall into place. You don't worry about them too much. 
 Response:  CORRECT

14.  I suspect horses are of interest to you, and I don't know why! 
 Response:  CORRECT - I've loved horses all my life - and I don't know why!  lol

15.  You likely have had pets in your life as well, and you bonded with them.   Response:  CORRECT - Typed with two big dogs sleeping at my feet and a cat curled in my lap.

16.  You are a compassionate person. 
 Response:  CORRECT

17.  You feel the pain of others in life, and it can get you down. 
 Response:  CORRECT

18. You have a natural understanding of other people. 
Response:  CORRECT - I'm finding this to be more and more true the older I get.

19.  But when it comes to your own identity, your understanding isn't near as good.  Your vision of yourself isn't as clear. 
Response:  CORRECT - Wow.  The fact that you hit this and the next one right on the head is incredible.

20.  You don't have a lot of confidence in yourself.  You tend to doubt yourself a fair amount, or not feel adequate. 
Response:  CORRECT

21.  How you are perceived is important.  You want to come across as confident. You work at it. 
Response:  CORRECT

22.  If a friend asks you for an opinion, and tells you to dish it straight, you absolutely will. 
Response:  CORRECT - True overall, but sometimes I talk around it to avoid hurting feelings.  I HATE to hurt feelings.

23.  You are not one to like to be the center of attention. 
Response:  CORRECT - Absolutely, without a doubt true.

24.  You like to spend time alone, or with close friends. 
Response:  CORRECT

25.  You prefer a couple of really good friends, over many friends and lots of acquaintances. 
Response:  CORRECT

26.  You might be attracted to the field of nursing, or child care. 
Response:  CORRECT - I would like to be a L&D nurse.  I currently watch my 3 yr old nephew during the day, though child care overall isn't a big interest of mine.  This is strange, but I don't like to interact with kids outside of my small circle.  I don't know why, I just have always been that way.

27.  You like one-on-one activities. 
Response:  CORRECT

28.  Public speaking would not interest you. 
Response:  CORRECT - I used to avoid oral reports in school.  I would do all the work involved, but when it came to presenting, I'd take the F instead of getting in front of the class.

29.  I suspect cheerleaders and sororities are not your style.  While you have nothing against them, you wouldn't want to partake in it. 
Response:  CORRECT - Oh so true.  My young daughter was in a cheer class last year.  I hated every minute of it.

30.  You prefer the truth over being political.  Being political is for the birds!  Response:  CORRECT

31.  You don't always trust people though.  You give them hard look over before trusting them. 
Response:  CORRECT

32.  You are a thinker.  You analyze things around you. 
Response:  CORRECT - Overly at times.

33.  You do not take things at face value. 
Response:  CORRECT

34.  You are not snobby, but can be sassy and bold at times when you feel safe. 
Response:  CORRECT

35.  You are very approachable, and down to earth. You'll talk to anyone who approaches. 
INCORRECT - Wasn't sure how to reply to this one.  I am down to earth and approachable, but I am very introverted (see 37) and while I'll respond to people who talk to me, I'm not a big chatter and conversation tends to flop with most people I'm not comfortable with.

36.  You can really let your hair down and have a good time at a party once you feel comfortable. 
Response:  CORRECT

37.  I would say you are neither and introvert or an extrovert. You are somewhere in the middle.  There are times you are shy and reserved, but there are also time where you'll walk up to a stranger if you feel you need to. It really depends on your mood. 
INCORRECT - Very much an introvert.  There are times when I will walk up to a stranger if I need to, but those are very few and far between.  Relies more on necessity than mood.

38.  You believe in justice and fighting for the under dog. You will defend a friend who is being picked on. 
Response:   CORRECT

39.  You can be jealous, at times, though you'll try to hide it.  You'll just try to put on a smile and ignore it though it dwells on inside.  You may try to enlighten a friend who has it better than you by telling her she is lucky.  Response:  CORRECT - Wow wow wow.  I have no words for how true this is.  I can't stand it either.

40.  You have a sense of humor and dirty jokes don't make you squirm.  Response:  CORRECT

41.  There is not much that will surprise you.  You've seen a lot in your life.  Response:  CORRECT

Okay, how did I do??

Overall Response: "Amazing.  Really, no other words.  Spot on with 39/41, and really those two are linked, so no surprise there."