What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  40

Points per Question: 2.5

Questions Incorrect: 2.5

Total Points Incorrect: 6.25

Total Score: 93.75



My Statements and the responses from Subject #37.

When I look at your photos:, I see a woman who: 

1.       …is an optimist and upbeat.
Correct: I try to be, but depending on the situation I’d like to think I take a more realistic approach than anything. I try not to assume the best or worst, but I like to hope for the best.

2.       You embrace life and really try to enjoy it.
Correct: You have to make the most of it!

3.       It's not a coincidence all three of your photos show you smiling.  You smile a lot!! People who know you will say that you smile all the time.
Correct: I’m not sure about all of the time, but I must look really angry if I’m just neutral and not smiling because I’ve had complete strangers on the street tell me to smile.

4.       "Happy-go-lucky" are three words that describe you.
Correct: I’m pretty go-with-the-flow. I’m not very rigid about plans, but I like to be happy with what I’m doing.

5.       You know who you are, and you are self-confident overall.
Correct: I’d say I’m self-confident in who I am. I definitely have my insecurities, but I’m pretty self-aware and accepting of myself.

6.       You can be slightly reserved when you meet new people, but you get over it quickly.
Correct: Usually I’m ok, but it depends on the size of the group. I can get overwhelmed by a large number of people or crowds.

7.       You are easy-going, flexible and adaptable.
Correct: I find it’s easier to be flexible and adaptable when you don’t restrict yourself with expectations and overly detailed plans. I prefer to make decisions as a reaction to circumstances and surroundings.

8.       You are trusting of others, perhaps at times, to your detriment.  But you wouldn't have it any other way. You want to give everyone a chance. 
Correct: Sometimes it causes problems, but I try to believe in the best in people.

9.       You are one to share whatever you have.  You are giving.
Correct: I try to. I admire people who have a generous nature and try to emulate it.

10.   You have lots of friends.  You are not a one-best-friend kind of person.
Half-correct: I wouldn’t say I have a lot of friends, but I don’t think I have one best friend either. I have a few really close friends that I value. I find as I get older, it’s important to me to work on the friendships I have to maintain them long-term. I would say I have a lot of friendly acquaintances and people I like, but not necessarily people I would consider friends enough to work at the relationship long-term.

11.   You love nature and the outdoors, and enjoy spending your free time outdoors.
Correct: I love being outside. I like to go for walks or even just sit outside at a restaurant when it’s nice. I used to camp a lot and I really enjoy being surrounded by nature in the middle of nowhere.

12.   You likely engage in or have participated in an outdoor recreation like rock-climbing, hiking, kayaking/canoeing or backpacking.
Correct: Some of my favorite childhood memories are at summer camp and various outdoor rec trips. I even spent one summer leading trips for high school students backpacking, rock climbing, kayaking and whitewater canoeing. I also spent a summer in college working at a ropes course.

13.   A job working at a national park for a summer (outdoors) would be right up your alley (if you had no commitments to hold you back)!  
Correct: That would be amazing, too bad I’m not a student anymore and no longer have the fun of “summer jobs.”

14.   You are forgiving when people apologize to you.  
Correct: I don’t like harboring anger and negativity. It’s toxic.

15.   You are decisive. When it comes to making decisions, you make them and don't look back. 
Correct: I can be quick to make a decision and stick to it and move forward immediately. However, because of the fact I’m so easy-going, I try to be accommodating to others that have a strong preference.

16.   You aren't one to dwell on the negatives.  You come to terms with what is pretty quickly because you know you can't change things.
Incorrect: I try to adapt to negative circumstances to help alleviate the situation, especially if others are effected, but for instances that can’t be changed or involve only me I can really dwell.

17.   You are not confrontational.  
Correct: I’m not good with instigating confrontational situations, but I’m pretty good at handling them when they come up. If I have a problem with someone or a situation, I have a tendency to let myself stew on it until I either get over it or I’m ready to address the person or situation. Until then, I consider it my problem and something I need to process before I make it anyone else’s.

18.   If something upsets you, you may tend to want to avoid it, or ignore it.
Correct: I avoid it more than I ignore it. See my response to the last question. I usually try to distance myself from what’s upsetting me so I can get some perspective and then either accept the situation or figure out what I need to resolve it.

19.   People who know you would say you are emotionally stable.  You are pretty even keeled…
Correct: I’d like to think it doesn’t take a lot to rattle my cage, but that’s not probably true. While I might have stronger reactions to certain things, I don’t let it get in the way of my ability to handle a situation. I tend to handle first, freak out later.

20.   …outside of your enthusiasm for things! You are enthusiastic about many things, and your enthusiasm is infectious to others. 
Correct: I can get pretty excited about the mundane. I try to get others on board, but it doesn’t always work.

21.   You are not an attention seeker.
Correct: I don’t like to draw attention to myself. If I do something that does draw attention, I’m more amused by the fact that I’m doing something out of character than from the attention I'm receiving.

22.   People who know you would say you have a gentle nature about you.
Correct: This is a character trait I really value and strive to be. At first I thought I was too awkward or klutzy to be described as gentle, but then I realized that you can be those things and gentle at the same time. I worry about being too abrasive or aggressive.

23.   You have a lot of patience--more so than the average person.
Correct: I can be pushed a lot before I finally push back.

24.   You are not analytical.
Incorrect: In fact, I’m usually accused of over-analyzing or over-thinking a situation.

25.   You love travel and experiences in life that take you outside your comfort zone. It makes you feel alive.  
Correct: I really love traveling. I did more when I was younger, but I’m trying to do more as an adult. I like seeking out experiences that challenge me.

26.   You are willing to take risks in life—otherwise life is too boring!
Correct: Sometimes you need to trust your instincts and just go for it, whatever it is. Sometimes it’s a gamble, but you can’t be afraid to fail or you’ll never achieve anything.

27.   You are not judgmental.  You dislike people who are. 
Correct: I try to accept people for who they are and appreciate their individuality. I find those that are judgmental are close-minded or are using others for their own validation. I don’t want to participate in that.

28.   You don't mind roughing it for a deeper experience. 
Correct: I’ve been on camping trips where I haven’t showered for a week or more at a time and use the wilderness as my bathroom. It’s a wonderful experience to free yourself from the comforts you’ve convinced yourself that you need. That said, I still prefer to shower on a daily basis. I also worked two years at a non-profit because I knew that the work I was involved with served a greater purpose. As a result I made a lot of sacrifices financially.

29.   You do not consider yourself materialistic. You prefer human connections, a spiritual existence, and getting in touch with yourself and others over materialism. 
Correct: It’s not that I don’t like having things, I wouldn’t consider myself a total minimalist. I just don’t use the things I have to fill my life. I buy things and spend money on an as-needed basis, and sometimes I pause to think about what’s really needed. Function is very important to me.

30.   Your idea of a good date would be homemade picnic in the park made just for you by your date and would include your dog (if you have one). You'd much prefer that then a fancy dinner out on the town and attending a black-tie event.
Correct: I think a good date is anything that allows you to get to know someone better and really enjoy their company. While I don’t hate fancy dinners out or black tie events, I think those are more about making an impression on someone rather than bringing who you really are to the table. Additionally, I’m not entirely myself in those types of situations, I adapt to the social expectations that go along with being in a nice restaurant or at a black tie affair. I don’t behave like that on a day to day basis.

31.   Even if something new scares you, you will work hard to overcome your fears. It may take a little effort, but you'll try hard before saying no. 
Correct: I’m not really afraid of things I don’t know or experiences I haven’t had. I usually view them as an opportunity to learn something new or evolve. I also enjoy the process of figuring things out on my own.

32.   You likely have a warm spot in your heart for animals.  (I can see you walking a dog(s)!).
Correct: It’s so true. I’ve really wanted a dog for the last 4 or 5 years, but various circumstances have prevented me from doing so such working too far from home, apartments that don’t allow pets, time commitment, etc. I now work in a dog-friendly workplace and find myself getting up from my desk to go talk to coworkers and pet their dogs.  

33.   You are open-minded and willing to try things –more so than the average person.
Correct: Like I said before, I like new experiences and view them as an opportunity.

34.   When it comes to fashion, you prefer to play it cool.  Less is more to you.  You enjoy a few trendy things, but overall, you like to keep it simple. 
Correct: I think this goes along with not wanting to draw attention to myself. I like to dress appropriately for work or wherever I’m going, but I tend to buy clothes that are more classic, flattering, and quality enough to have some longevity.

35.   You can be a child at heart and don't mind getting down and dirty if you play with children. 
Correct: I have a niece that’s a toddler and half the fun of spending time with her is trying to imagine the world through her eyes. Kids don’t expect you to behave a certain way, and hearing them laugh is one of the greatest sounds in the world. I just really appreciate children’s innocence, the simplicity in their happiness and their sense of imagination. I wish I had more of it in my own life.

36.   You have a soft spot in your heart for children.
Correct: See my last answer.

37.   You aren't fussy, or picky, but easy to please overall.  
Correct: I’m pretty low-maintenance and easy to please.

38.   You are a peace maker and natural mediator.  You just want for people to get along and you will help bring people together however you can. 
Correct: I don’t like a lot of conflict, and I don’t like the idea of people feeling excluded. I also try to diffuse tense situations as best I can.

39.   For employment, a desk job without contact with people all day would make you go insane. You prefer jobs with people contact.
Correct: While I don’t think I could do something like traditional cold-call sales-type work, I need to work with/near people. I live alone and don’t have any pets, so there are stretches of time that my coworkers are the only people I interact with. If I don’t have any plans or don’t see anyone during a weekend, I won’t interact with anyone from Friday night until Monday morning. It’s great at times, but it can also get lonely.

40.   You are a dedicated and hard-working employee at whatever job you do.
Correct: I have a pretty strong work ethic. I doesn’t matter what you do, but you need to do it with some integrity.

Overall Response:  I think this project is really fascinating. I feel like I get a sense for people really quickly, and I was wondering if it comes from something I physically see in them or if it’s more of a relational approach. I still don’t think I have an answer to that, but this study is a really interesting look into how we read people, the impressions that we get, and if some are more in tune than others. Based on my results and what I’ve seen of the others, we wear a lot of who we are on our faces, and probably how we carry ourselves, more so than I would have thought!