What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  41

Points per Question:  2.44

Questions Incorrect: 4.5

Total Points Incorrect: 10.98         

Total Score:  89.02


My Statements and the responses from Subject #23.

When I look at your photos:, I see:

1.   ...a woman who knows who she is.

2.  You are decisive.

3.  You have definite opinions about things.
This is so true, i often get in trouble for this, i'm always super honest and opinionated.

4.  and how you want things done.

5.  You are open to trying new things, but you know your limitations and won’t do everything, and you are okay with that.
correct, i like to be adventurous but don't want to go 100 %

6.  You are not a follower.  

7.  You have your own ideas, but you don’t particularly like to lead others either.
correct, i know how i want it done but don't know exactly how to make others do it

8.  If you had to choose between two words, “self-conscious” or “confident”, you would chose confident.

9.  Because of the way you carry yourself (with confidence), some people may think you are aloof, or conceited, but you are not. 
correct, i hear this a lot

10. You can be hard on yourself (self-critical).
correct, i tend to make jokes about my weight/looks/just me overall..

11. You like who you are for the most part. 

12. You value your mind.

13. You are likely above average in intelligence.

14. You have a competitive streak in you.  You like to win.
correct, i love to win but i can also congratulate someone else

15. While you are not a sore loser.

16. You can be exceptionally focused and determined when you want to do something.
correct, i set my mine to something and def. get it done

17. You are a planner.
correct, although i hate to plan , i do it constantly

18. You are organized.
half-incorrect, i am organized to an extent but not as much as i would like

19. You don’t like random order.  You prefer to know what is expected of you.
correct, i like to know when things are going to happen, what time and where

20. Emotionally, however, you are quite stable.  You don’t suffer from a lot of highs and lows.  You are even-keeled.
incorrect, i think i am emotionally unstable at times

21. When friends ask you to be honest, you tell it to them straight.  You don’t say nice things just to be nice.
correct, this tends to also get me in trouble

22. You can be head-strong and obstinate at times. Once you’ve made up your mind about something, it can be hard to convince you to change it.

23. You are not materialistic, but you are not one who cares only about spiritual fulfillment either.  You want a nice balance, but nothing over-the-top.

24. You likely act on reasoning and logic over your emotions. 

25. When you need assistance with something, you are not shy to ask for help. 

26. You are practical and sensible.

27. You are conscious about not being wasteful, or having more than you need.

28. You can be judgmental of other people.

29. Lazy people or people who are sloppy can really get on your nerves.

30. You don’t shy away from confrontation.
correct, it seems i am always in a dispute with someone or something

31. You are analytical.

32. Your mind is always “on”.
correct, i am constantly thinking

33. Socially, you are neither an introvert or an extrovert.  You are middle of road though you are not shy.
correct, i am a social butterfly

34. You are not an optimist, but you are not a pessimist either.  You are middle of the road, with a slight lean toward optimism. 

35. You believe you can do anything you set your mind to do.

36. You have definite goals, visions and ideas of where you want to be in 5 years from now.

37. You are not verbose.

38. You think before you speak.
incorrect, i tend to not think how others would feel about something i say before i say it

39. You can be resistant to change.
correct, i hate change

40. You don't want to be the center of attention, but you definitely want to be recognized for your efforts.  When you aren't, you can get sour about it.
this is so correct

41. You are not impulsive.
incorrect, i am very impulsive

Overall Response: I am very impressed with how well you read me.  Some things were incorrect but overall you knew me pretty well.  At first I wasn't sure how you would be able to tell me things about myself through a few simple pictures but you have proved me wrong.  You were correct on almost every single response.