What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  41

Points per Question: 2.44

Questions Incorrect: 5

Total Points Incorrect:  2.44

Total Score Accurate: 87.80%



My Statements, and the responses from Subject #18.

When I look at you, I see a woman who…

1.       ...is slightly reserved. 
At times I am.

Do you consider yourself outgoing, outspoken, or more shy/reserved?  I am more reserved.

2.      You hold part of yourself back when you interact with people.
You hit the nail on the head. I never really reveal myself to someone

3.     You think before you speak.  Always

4.      You prefer to have a one or two close friends over lots of friends.
My motto is I would rather have one good friend the tons of aquantinces.

5.      You do enjoy socializing with groups of people, if you know them.
 I love socializing but I don't like strangers.... not very trusting

6.      You tend to doubt yourself more than you should, but you keep that private.
I am amazed that you noticed this I constantly doubt myself.

7.      You don't like people who are judgmental.  They annoy you.
CORRECT- I do not like it when people judges others.

8.      You tend to keep your problems to yourself.  You aren't one to tell the world about them.
Incorrect. This is incorrect I do tell people about my problems

9.     People who analyze things down to the itty bitty details drive you nuts.  You are a big picture person.
Incorrect. I am a detail person I vary between big picture and itty bitty detail

10.    You are down to earth. You are in no way conceited, arrogant or self-centered.
I am very down to earth and don't really like arrogant people

11.     You are giving and kind. You are generous and like to share what you have with others.
I love giving things to someone.

12.     You don't need a lot to make you happy.  You are easily content.
I am content with what I have.  

13.    You likely enjoy the outdoors and nature.
Love everything about the outdoors except for the dang bugs!

14.    The word "bashful" can be used to describe you at times.
at times i can be shy and bashful

15.    When you get embarrassed, your cheeks turn fire red.
HA! I hate the fact that they turn red because boy do they.

16.    You are not competitive.

17.    You are adaptable and flexible. Things don't have to be your way. If your friends want to go the movies, and you want to go to the mall, you would do what they want.
Correct.  I would go to the mall and then to the movie!

18.    You are laid back.
 as long as things are going the way they should

19.    You likely procrastinator with things you don't enjoy. 
very much

20.    You don't like strict rules and boundaries. 

21.    You are creative and artistic.
I like to think I am

22.    You like spontaneity.
Love spontaneity

23.    You enjoy children and may have sought work involving them.
Didn't like children until I had my son now I find them facinating

24.    If someone wrongs you, you are likely to retreat.

25.    You don't deal well with confrontation.  You try to avoid it at all costs. 
correct. I dont like to argue

26.    If someone apologies to you, and you don't feel understood, you may tend to withdraw from them for a while.
Once I am wronged by someone my forgiveness takes a while

27.    You tend towards being an optimist. 
Incorrect.  I am a pessimist.

28.     You do ponder the meaning of life, and wonder what it all means.
Correct. I ponder the meaning of life often

29.    You are open to consider the paranormal.

30.    You are open-minded and willing to try most new things, but you know your limits.
sometimes I know my limits

31.    You don't like to be the center of attention.
correct  unless its with my girlfriends

32.    You don't like to lead people; you prefer to follow along with a group of others.
I am a follower

33.    You are happy working alone or with a group of people. It doesn't really matter to you.
Incorrect. I really like working alone

34.    You are emotionally quite even keeled.
Incorrect. Umm I am an emotional rollercoster

35.     If you could chose between marrying a rich man, or a man that was poor but was deeply devoted and in love with you, and you could have only one or the other, you would absolutely choose to marry the man who was deeply devoted and in love with you.  
Money isn't a top priority in your life.

I married for love money comes later

36.    Having good friends, a close family and being happy are top priorities in your life.

37.    You don't like to make waves.

38.     If a friend asks you for the dead honest truth, you will try to give it to her as gently as you can.
I want them to know the truth but.... I don't want to hurt their feelings

39.    You are sympathetic and very empathetic to other people's pain.
very true

40.    You are very nurturing to others when you see they are hurting. You want to make it better in any way you can.
very true

41.    You have a soft spot for animals.
ummmm yes most of the time

How did I do? What are your initial thoughts?

"Wow I was totally suprised you read so much into my mind by just my pictures. How did you do that? I was really suprised by you knowing my cheeks turn read and that I hide part of myself. I am very impressed."