What does your face say about you?

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Total Questions:  41

Points per Question: 2.44

Questions Incorrect: 5

Total Points Incorrect:  12.20

Total Score Accurate: 87.80%



My Statements, and the responses from Subject #13.

When I look at your photos, I see a woman who...
  1. You are outgoing and social by nature.    
    Correct- I can be quiet at first until I warm up but does not take very long.

  2. You are an upbeat person, an optimist.   
    Response:  Correct

  3. You are comfortable being with others, or being alone.      Response:  love to be around people and also easily self entertained

  4. You like a having lots of friends. You are not a one-best-friend kind of person.        
    Response:  I have many best friends

  5. You were always popular in school. 
    Response:  Correct

  6. You are flexible and adaptable.   
    Response:  Correct- I accommodate very well to change.

  7. You are warm and kind. 
    Response:  Correct.

  8.  You are generous.         
    Response:  Correct

  9. You can be energetic.    
    Response:  Correct

  10. You likely enjoy participating in sports activities.   
    Response:  Correct- Did sports all during high school and love to participate whenever I have an opportunity

  11. You are driven, and motivated.   
    Response:   Incorrect- Not self motivated. I’m driven if someone pushes me or I’m competing.

  12. When you do things, you give it your best shot.
    Response:  Incorrect- depends how important my task is

  13. You don’t consider yourself analytical.     
    Response:  Correct- I am very laid back and do not like to analyze things.

  14. You take most things as they are (at face value) rather than trying to dissect and understand them.  What’s the point?           
    Response:  Correct- I am one to go with the flow

  15. You try not to take life too seriously.
    Response:  Correct- I take life as it comes.

  16. If you had to choose between two words to describe yourself, “self-conscious” or “confident”, you would chose confident.           
    Response:  Half correct-I use to be self conscious but as I’m getting older I am becoming more and more confident

  17. You are imaginative.      
    Response:  Correct- I am very artistic and always have new ideas

  18. You have a good sense of “self” (understanding). 
    Response:  Correct

  19. You don’t dwell on things.          
    Response:  Correct- I hate drama and being sad

  20. You are decisive.          
    Response:  Correct- I usually go with my best instinct right away and don’t like to think through things

  21. You like to be active, and on the go. You aren’t a couch potato.  Response:  Half correct- I like to be on the go but love laying around

  22. You enjoy physically challenging yourself.
    Response:  Incorrect- I am pretty lazy sometimes so I like people challenging me

  23. A good workout gives you energy. It does not drain you.    Response:  Incorrect- Drains a lot out of me

  24.  You like the excitement of the city, but you also enjoy the beauty of the country.  You tend to prefer excitement so you likely lean more to spending time in the city or suburbs over the countryside though.           
    Response:  Correct- I grew up in the country and love it but more so in the city around more people and new things

  25.  You don’t mind attention and being in the center of activity.           
    Response:  Correct- I don’t mind it but don’t love it

  26. You can speak in front of a group of people without too much anxiety.  You may get some butterflies, but it is controllable for you.
    Response:  Correct

  27. You aren’t shy to speak your mind as thoughts come to you.          
    Response:  Correct- Mostly only if my opinions aren’t hurting someone’s feeling

  28. Your friends would say that you are very loyal to them.     Response:  Correct- I have many great friends and would do anything for them

  29. You are enthusiastic about many things.  Enthusiastic is a word that can be used to describe you.     
    Response:  Correct- both enthusiastic and laid back

  30. You are open-minded and willing to try new things.           Response:  Correct-love trying something new...its exciting

  31. You are good at getting people motivated to do things.      Response:  Correct- A lot better at motivating others rather than myself

  32. You are adaptable and flexible.   
    Response:  Correct

  33. You are competitive.      
    Response:  Correct

  34. You can be spontaneous.           
    Response:  Correct- Hardly have dull moments

  35. You don’t want to adhere to a strict schedule.      
    Response:  Correct-I never have the same plans...always changing

  36. You don’t like restrictions or limitations.   
    Response:  Correct- I don’t like rules

  37. You prefer to have freedom to make your own choices and decision.          
    Response:  Correct- Don’t like people telling me what to do

  38. When someone is vague and lacks detail, you take it as your sign you can be creative.        
    Response:  Correct- Gives me an opportunity to do what I like. 

  39. You don’t always like to follow true and tried methods.  It’s too boring!       
    Response:  Correct- I get bored easily and like to change things up to be different

  40. It’s fun to go off the tracks and have a little adventure.      Response:  Correct-I am very adventurous...i love doing new things

  41. You love travel and experiences in life that take you outside your comfort zone. It makes you feel alive.        
    Response:   Correct-One of my favorite things to do is travel and experience new people and places

Okay, how did I do? 

Overall Response: "You did amazing! I was very surprised at the amount of correct results you had from just looking at my pictures. I felt like you knew me personally! This was really cool. Thanks!!"